How do I create an account with Grammarly?


If you are new to Grammarly and do not have an account already, follow the steps below: 

  1. Navigate to Grammarly to sign up for an account. 
  2. First, enter your first and last name in the name field (a). 
  3. Next, enter your GBC email address in the email field (b).
  4. Then, enter your password (c). 
  5. Finally, click the Sign Up button to finish registering your Grammarly account. 
  6. Your access code is


If you have already created a free Grammarly account, follow the steps below: 

  1. Navigate to Grammarly to login with your existing email (a). 
  2. Click continue to login (b).
  3. Check your email, both your inbox and spam folder, for a confirmation email and click the link inside. Please note, if the account is not confirmed by email, it remains free. 
  4. After you click the "Verify email" button, you will be asked to apply an access code. 
  5. Apply your access code.
  6. Your access code is


  • Last Updated Jan 23, 2025
  • Views 394
  • Answered By Rusty Michalak

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