How can I request a print book from our catalog?
How do I Access the Library Catalog to Search for Print Books?
1. From the library's website, navigate to the finding eBooks and Print Books page on the left-hand sidebar menu, as pictured below.
2. Next, under the Online Catalog box, click textbox Koha Online Catalog to search for print books, DVDs, and government documents, as pictured below.
3. Next, log in to the library catalog (if applicable).
1. Please click the main link to login with your GBC ID and password, as pictured below.
2. If you are logging in from off-campus for the first time, enter your GBC email in the "Email, phone, or Skype" field. If you have access to the catalog previously, click the account name with your GBC email address, as pictured below.
4. Next, search for books and DVDs in the HLLC. Need help searching the catalog? Use this guide: Please take screenshots of the items you want to check out to upload with your request.
5. Finally, follow the steps under Requesting Print Books and DVDs from the HLLC to request your item(s).
Requesting Print Books and DVDs from the HLLC
To request a book or DVD from the HLLC, please follow the directions below:
1. From the library's website, navigate to the Get Help! page. The Get Help button can also be found on any of the other library pages.
2. Next, start filling in the form. In the Question (a) field, please fill in Book(s) or DVD(s) request.
3. Next, fill in the More Detail/Explanation (b) field. Add as much detail as you can about the item: title, author, call number, etc.
4. Next, fill in your GBC email address (c).
5. Next, fill in your first and last name (d).
6. If this book is related to your course, please fill in the fields for What course is this question related to? (e) and Who is teaching the course? (f). If this is not for a course, please enter n/a in both fields.
7. Please upload a screenshot of your requested item (s) in the File Upload area (g). The screenshots will help the HLLC staff ensure the right item is selected for you.
8. Finally, click Submit Your Question (h) to request your item (s).
9. Refer to How Do I get the Item(s) I Requested from the HLLC? to find details about the process of picking up your requested item (s).
How Do I get the Item(s) I Requested from the HLLC?
Items requested via the Get Help! form will typically be processed within three business days. An HLLC staff member will review the request and ask for additional information if needed. You will be notified via email that your request is ready and available for pick up. Please stop by the HLLC during our business hours to pick up your item(s) from the holding cart. The holding cart is located in the front of the HLLC. Walk into the library and walk to the William R. Baldt Statue (pictured below), walk forward two steps, and on your right is the holding cart. Your items will have your name in the book or DVD with the due date in the back. Alternatively, the HLLC can ship the item to you.
How Do I Renew my Library Item(s)?
To renew your library item(s), please fill out the Get Help! form. Follow the same steps as requesting print books and DVDs from the HLLC, except, in the Question field, please enter Renewal(s) Requested. An HLLC staff member will email you once your item has been successfully renewed.
How do I Return my Library Items?
Please return library materials in the Library Drop-box at the front of the Jones building, as pictured below. An HLLC staff member will check this drop-box weekly and process your return. Alternatively, you can ship the item back to the HLLC.