How do I set up the outlook integration with the Appointments@GBC tool?
To set the Outlook integration for the Appointments@GBC tool, please follow these steps:
1. Navigate to LibCal.
2. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Login to LibApps. If you are logged in already, click Dashboard.
3. If you are logging in for the first time, enter your GBC email in the "Email, phone, or Skype" field. If you have access to the catalog previously, click the account name with your GBC email address.
4. Click on the Appointments tab, as pictured below.
5. Next, navigate to the Integrations tab, as pictured below.
6. Next, scroll down to the Password Authentication Outlook/Exchange Settings textbox.
7. Enter for the server/host (#1 below).
8. Enter your GBC email address in the username field (#2 below).
9. Enter your GBC password in the password field (#3 below).
10. Enter your GBC email address in the add bookings to email field (#4 below).
11. Enable the check exchange/Outlook busy times option (#5 below). This will allow your calendars to sync.
12. Enter your GBC email address in the check busy times with email (optional) field (#6 below).
13. Finally, click save (#7 below) to connect your Outlook calendar with your Appointments@GBC calendar.