How do I create an online test in Campus Web?
In this guide faculty will learn how to create an online test Campus Web.
The online test format is used for all types of online testing, pop quizzes to final exams. You can build (or import) the test, and students take it online in Campus Web. Students take these tests from the Coursework page on Campus Web. These tests can be automatically graded (depending on the question type selected).
Incorporating Campus Web online tests in your course enables you to review detailed statistics about students' work on a particular test. Using a feature called Test Analysis, you can review metrics that show which questions were most difficult for students, among other details. To create an online test, follow the steps below:
1. Navigate to and login.
2. Access the course you'd like to create an online test for.
3. Click the Coursework page link from the course sidebar, as shown below.
4. Use the drop-down arrow next to Add an Assignment and select Online Test, as shown below.
Step One: General Assignment Information
5. Name your online test, as shown below.
6. Select which Unit the assignment belongs to from the drop-down box, or add a new unit, as shown below.
7. Select the Type of assignment the test should be assigned to or add a new one, as shown below.
8. If the test is going to be available to the entire class, ensure that the Entire Audience is selected, if not, you can use the Audience option to push the test out to selected students, as shown below.
9. Next, schedule the due date for the test. Use the Calendar button (#1 below) to select the date and use the second textbox to select the time (#2 below), as shown below. Date and time are required to schedule the test.
10. Optionally, you can set the test up to accept late submissions. To do this, click the checkmark next to Accept late submission until, as shown below. Fill in the date and time the test should be accepted until.
11. Optionally, you can penalize late submissions. To do this, click the checkbox next to Penalize late assignments, as shown below.
12. If you want the Online Test to be available now, select Immediately (now).
If you want the Online Test to be open later, select Unspecified (later).
If you want the Online Test to be open between a specific date and time, select Based on rules I define and schedule the date and time.
13. If you want your students to see the grade immediately, select As soon as grade is available.
If you want your students to see the grade after a date has passed, select As soon as grade is available, and a specified date has passed.
If you want students to see the grade after the due date, select As soon as grade is available, and due date has passed.
14. If you expand Step Two: Online Assignment Options (Optional), you can set up test review options, auto-grading options, time limit, pagination, section order, extra credit, lock students out of the exam if they leave the test screen, add a password, set up retakes, and grades. If assessments are configured to allow students to resume their test if they are interrupted, students will retain any progress they had saved along the way. If the students do not click Save during their assessment to save answers and a Campus Web outage occurs, those items will be lost. This occurs if you select lock students out of the exam if they leave the test screen.
15. If you expand Step Three: Instructions & Files (Optional), you can add assignment instructions or any additional files a student may need for the exam.
16. When done adding all your test details, Save your new assignment, as shown below.
17. After you save your new assignment, click Add a question, as shown below.
18. In the Question Text text box, Add a question from your test or quiz where the cursor is, as shown below. For example, type in What colors are a bumblebee?
NOTE: You can only add one question at a time. Don't add numbers in front of the question; the numbers will automatically populate for students during the exam.
19. Assign a point value to the question, as shown below.
20. In Step Two: Design the Answer(s) for a multiple-choice test; enter your answer in each box under Options. To indicate the correct answer click the box under Correct for the correct answer, as shown below. If you have one answer selection, it is recommended that you select the checkbox to limit selections so students know there is only one correct answer; otherwise, they could select multiple answers for the same question.
Use the Answer Type drop-down arrow to select a different question type. With Campus Web, you can use any of the following question types.
- Multiple Choice (Default option)
- Equation
- Essay
- Matching
- Ordering
- Short Answer
- True or False
21. In Step Three, you can set up automatic feedback to go with the question.
22. Click Save and add another to add each of your questions. Once you have added all of your questions, click Save and return to Test Builder. As long as each question has an assigned point value, the exam will display to students during the date and time you set up in step 1.