How can I collect links and resources to easily share with my students?

This guide introduces Wakelet, a free platform that allows you to curate and organize content to save and share. You can save videos, articles, images, Tweets, links or even add your own text. Save this content in your bookmarks, or organize related items in to a collection. Wakelet is a suggested alternative to the handouts and bookmarks tools in Campus Web which can be rather cumbersome to manage. The one limitation of Wakelet as opposed to Handouts and Bookmarks in Campus Web is that there are no visibility by date settings - i.e. if you make the collection available (group of links and/or documents), everything in the collection is available. However, you could share different collections on different pages in your Campus Web coursesite and adjust the visibility at the page level to control this. 


1. Access Wakelet by visiting, as shown below. 

2. Login by clicking the Continue with Microsoft button, as shown below, and use your GBC email address as your username and your GBC password. 

Note: Access directions are the same for your students!

Check out the attached educator guide, linked below, to learn how to use Wakelet!
  • Last Updated Nov 29, 2022
  • Views 49
  • Answered By Rusty Michalak

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