Can I trim my Zoom recording?


Zoom recordings can only be trimmed in the beginning, at the end, or both. You cannot edit a Zoom recording at any other parts besides the beginning or end of the recording. Follow the steps below to trim your Zoom recording. 

  1. To access your Zoom meeting recordings navigate to
  2. Click Sign in to access your profile, as shown below. 

  3. On the left-hand sidebar menu, click Recordings under the heading Personal, as shown below.

  4. You will see a list of all of your Zoom meeting recordings. Click on the meeting topic for the session for which you want to edit the playback range, as shown below.  

  5. Click on the thumbnail of the video, as shown below. Note: The recording will open in a new tab. 

  6. Click the scissor icon to Set Playback Range in the bottom toolbar, as shown below. 

  7. Use the sliders to specify the start time and the end time for the recording, as shown below.

  8. Click Save to apply the changes you made, as shown below. 

  9. If there is already a link to the recording out there you do not need to resend another link. The recording will automatically be updated to the trimmed range. 
  • Last Updated Nov 28, 2022
  • Views 57
  • Answered By Rusty Michalak

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