How do you download and share a Zoom transcript file?
By default, Zoom transcript files are embedded within the recording file. This means that when someone plays a recorded Zoom meeting/class, they will see the transcript within the video file.
OIRT recommends that you share a Zoom transcript file as a separate download file with students for both access (varying internet speeds, data plans, and equipment) and accessibility (screen readers work better with standalone caption files).
This guide walks you through the process of accessing the standalone audio transcript file from Zoom meeting recordings as well as how to create a file that is shareable and easy to open by most individuals.
1. Navigate to the website, click the Sign In button, and login with your GBC credentials.
2. Click the Recordings tab to access your Zoom recordings, as pictured below.
3. Click the name of the recording for which you'd like to download the transcript file.
4. Click the Audio Transcript link, as pictured below, to download the transcript.
Note: If you do not see a transcript file, it means that it is still processing for the meeting recording.
5. Choose a location to save your transcript, such as your Desktop, and save the file.
Note: The transcript file is a .VTT file. This file type can be opened in most modern text editors, such as Notepad on a Windows PC or TextEdit on a Mac.
6. Open the transcript file in the text editor of your choice, copy the text, and paste it into a Microsoft Word document.
7. Save the document as a Word or PDF document with a file name such as the name of the recording transcript.
8. Share the file.
Tip: We suggest uploading this file to your Campus Web coursesite as either a Handout or an Announcement with an attachment file.