Can I select multiple videos in Panopto?


Panopto allows you to select multiple sessions and move sessions to a new folder. The LTI instance of Panopto is not supported in Campus Web, (i.e. Panopto added to a Campus Web course). Follow the steps below to select multiple sessions in Panopto. If you are accessing Panpopto from Campus Web, follow steps: 1-3. If you are accessing Panopto from the website, start at step 4. 

  1. Navigate to Campus Web
  2. Navigate to your course with Panopto and access your Panopto page. 
  3. Click the Open in Panopto button (see the red arrow below) – this will open this particular folder in Panopto itself.

  4. If you did not open Panopto via Campus Web navigate to the appropriate, folder you would like to select multiple videos. Then hover on the videos you would like to select and check the box in the top left corner of the thumbnail with each video, see red arrows below. 


  • Last Updated Nov 21, 2022
  • Views 27
  • Answered By Rusty Michalak

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