How do I install Office 365 on my personal computer?
To Install Office 365 on your personal laptop/desktop, follow these steps:
- Navigate to
- If prompted with a screen like this, enter your full GBC email address (#1 below) and your GBC password (#2 below) and click the blue Sign in button (#3 below).
If you have two-factor authentication set-up, you will be prompted to authenticate. Optionally check the box to remember you for twelve hours (#1 below) and choose your verification method to authenticate (#2 below).
If prompted to remember you like this, choose Yes or No (this is up to you).
- Click on Install Office (step #1 below) in the top right corner and click Other Install Options (step #2 below).
- Next, click Install Office (the red arrow below).
- Finally, follow the steps on your computer to install Office 365 on your computer locally.