How do I sign out of my non-GBC Zoom account?
To check if you are signed in with your GBC account in Zoom, follow these steps:
1. Open the Zoom client.
2. Click your profile picture in the top-right corner, as shown below. If your email is not your GBC email address ( then follow steps 3-9 to login to your GBC Zoom account.
3. Click Sign Out, as shown below.
4. Click the Sign in with SSO button, as shown below.
5. At this point you will see one of two options (shown below).
- Option 1 - If the screen asks for Your Company Email enter your full GBC email address - as shown below.
- Option 2 - If the screen asks for Your Company Domain enter gbc - as shown below.
In both options, click the CONTINUE button next.
6. A browser window will open and you need to login with your GBC username (#1 below) and click the Next button (#2 below).
5. If prompted with a screen like this, enter your full GBC email address (#1 below) and your GBC password (#2 below) and click the blue Sign in button (#3 below).
6. If you have two-factor authentication set-up, you will be prompted to authenticate. Optionally check the box to remember you for twelve hours (#1 below) and choose your verification method to authenticate (#2 below).
7. If prompted to remember you like this choose Yes or No (this is up to you).
8. If you are prompted to allow the page to, click the Allow button below.
9. You will then be brought to the Zoom app as a signed-in user.
Note: If your screen looks different than what you see below, click the Home button, as shown below.