Student Guide to Panopto Video Assignments


Here are instructions on using Panopto to complete a video assignment in your course.

1. Navigate to

2. Login with your Canvas credentials. 

3. Go to your class and then click on your Panopto page in the course menu.

4. Click on the assignment folder. The default folder name would be the course name followed by [assignments].

5. Hit Create and then click Panopto Capture.

6. Panopto Capture launches in a new browser tab, as shown below. 

7. Select a microphone. If you want to use a different microphone from the one automatically chosen, select the microphone icon from the top toolbar. Each microphone connected to your computer will appear. Select the desired microphone, and a checkmark will appear over it, as shown below. 

Note: You may be prompted by your browser to give Panopto access to your microphone(s).

8. Select Camera Sources. If you want to use a different camera from the one automatically chosen, select the camera icon from the top toolbar. Your connected cameras will appear and show a preview. Select the desired camera(s) and a checkmark will appear over the preview, as shown below

Note: You may be prompted by your browser to give Panopto access to your camera(s).

9. Select Screen and Application Source. To record a screen, application window, or individual browser tab, select the monitor icon, as shown below. 

Note: Chrome or Edge (Chromium-based) users: a pop-up window will appear that allows you to select between a screen, application, or browser tab. 

9.a. To record everything that happens on a screen, choose Your Entire Screen (#1 below). Then, select the screen to record (#2 below) and click Share (#3 below) "Optionally, select Share Audio (#4 below) to add the audio from your computer to the recording. This is ideal for when you are recording a video call or any application that has sound.

9.b. Select the Application Window (#1 below) tab to record everything that happens in one application window only. Select the application (#2 below) and then click Share (#3 below).

9.c.  Select Chrome Tab (#1 below) option, shown here in Chrome, to record everything that happens in one browser tab. Select the tab you'd like to share (#2 below) you want to record and click Share (#3 below)Optionally, select Share audio (#4 below) to add the audio from the tab to the recording. 

10. Record the video. To begin recording your video, click the red circle button at the bottom center of the Panopto Capture, as shown below. 

11. Once you stop the recording, a new page will load that shows the video’s progress. Do not close this page until you see the message "Getting your video ready for editing: It's safe to close your browser window" in the top left corner, as shown below. Once the video has processed completely, it will state Your video is ready, as shown below. 

Note: this video will upload to the folder that you were in when you opened Capture. 


12. This video will upload to the course that you opened Capture in. 

Questions? Please contact Briana Daly at

  • Last Updated Sep 29, 2023
  • Views 37
  • Answered By Rusty Michalak

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